Brick Cleaning

We offer dry ice blasting as an effective and safe way to clean bricks.

Dry Ice Blasting is a non-abrasive and environmentally friendly method of cleaning that uses compressed air to propel dry ice pellets against the surface to be cleaned. The cold temperature of the pellets -70°C/-94°F – causes dirt and other contaminants to break away from the surface without causing any damage. This method eliminates water usage, reduces energy consumption, eliminates toxic waste disposal, is free from hazardous chemicals or detergents, and does not leave behind any residue.

Our Dry Ice Blasting service for cleaning bricks is ideal for removing dirt, oil and grease from brick surfaces. It is a cost-effective and safe way to clean bricks without sacrificing their structural integrity. Our experienced team of professionals have the expertise to ensure that your brick cleaning project will be done right, with minimal disruption to your home or business.

We take great pride in providing top-quality Dry Ice Blasting services for our customers. We offer competitive rates and strive to ensure you are 100% satisfied with the results. Contact us today for more information on our Dry Ice Blasting services!